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It has been a long year of stay-at-home productivity for the team, and finally, we get vaccinated with our extra layer of protection to work with confidence in an office environment.
But first, what were our hindering triggers and reasons for delay? There are a few like hearsays, experiences, inner thoughts, prioritization in the society, and lack of supply. In some way fear has grown in each of us, might be the fear that the vaccine is not effective, the ear that the vaccine has bad effects, or the vaccine is implied to deplete the population and a jungle of other reasons to be scared.
However, the team’s courage has overpowered fear, the courage to leap to get back to life by getting vaccinated, and grab the opportunity to work together in a safer and hopefully covid free workplace.

Thank you to Project Balik Buhay for giving our company a call and gave vaccination slots for the entire team last June 29, 2021, and now Sinovac is flowing in our veins currently waiting for our second dose. The vaccine is a miracle with the short amount of time that it is being developed and studied, now that it is available to the public it is bringing so much hope and confidence to everyone. Hoping everyone decides for the best and gets vaxxed too.