by Dr. Mindweb | Jul 20, 2012 | Blog, Company Profile |
The keys to the projects’ success will undoubtedly be effective market segmentation through identification of several niche markets and implementation strategies. The key success factors will include the following:
1. Excellence in fulfilling the promise: completely confidential, reliable, trustworthy expertise, and service(s) through the provision of an uncompromising service. This dictates that we have the latest technology, hardware, software, and well-trained personnel so as to deliver this promise.
2. Timeous response to clients’ orders: we cannot afford to delay our clients for whatever reason, as this will have a negative bearing on our image, reputation, and future business. We need to be continually communicating with the client, ensuring we provide needs-based solutions.
3. Skill and depth of knowledge: Considering the nature of our services and their relative infancy on the market, the skill and depth of knowledge of our personnel is of utmost importance in determining the provision of the service(s) to the end-users.
4. Clear product and marketing positioning: Not wanting to be associated with the numerous vendors on the market, we intend to aggressively market our business and the services
we provide in order to be at the top of our clients’ minds.
5. Leveraging from a large pool of expertise: The company’s various alliances with technological and training partners shall prove invaluable. The skills and intellectual capacity these partners will have in the fields of product support, design and system integration, implementation and execution, lifecycle support and understanding, trainings, and in the application of new technology are intangible benefits to Mindweb eSolutions.
Nevertheless, we would always put in our business the motivating stories/and the characteristics illustrated by the company fave fauna.
by Dr. Mindweb | Jul 20, 2012 | Blog, Company Profile |
A story is told of a man who found an eagle’s egg. He put it together with the eggs of the mother hen.
Soon the eggs hatched. The young eagle grew up with all the other chickens. Whatever the chickens did, the eagle also did. He thought he was a chicken, just like them.
One day the eagle saw a bird flying high above him. He was very impressed. “Who is that?” he asked the mother hen.
“That’s the eagle, the king of the birds,” the hen replied. “ Oh,” the eagle cried, “I wish I could soar like that eagle.” “No. You cannot soar like him. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar. He belongs to the sky and we belong to the earth – we are chickens.” – the mother hen told him.
That was what the eagle learned to believe. After time, the eagle stopped dreaming and continued to live his life as a chicken.
Why not try to spread and to flap our wings rather than listening from the comments of others. Wishing to be like somebody we want to be is a good start and making it happen would be the best move to take.
by Dr. Mindweb | May 21, 2012 | Blog, Company Profile |
Penguins are really birds. But why, they can’t fly?
Birds that spend most of their time in the air need to be lightweight and must have sturdy wing bone. Unfortunately, penguins are chubby and their wings are adapted not to fly. However, they are great swimmers and divers.
Their wings have morphed into flippers and their torpedo-shapes body allows them to swim under water at high speeds. They are very streamlined with strong flippers that can propel them through the water with ease. Some species are capable of short bursts of greater than 20 mph and can maintain speeds of 9 mph. They use bursts of speed to launch themselves onto steep rocky shorelines or icebergs. And with their physical characteristics, they are considered as the fastest swimmer among other birds.
Let us not be frustrated on things we could not get. Why not venture into other opportunities for it might be in there we will excel and succeed. Like penguins, upon knowing their limitations, they flip instead and never flap.
by Dr. Mindweb | May 21, 2012 | Blog, Company Profile |
Scientists are not certain about the purpose why dolphins leap above water and perform acrobatic figures. They speculated some reasons to include: locating schools of fish by looking at above-water, communicating with other dolphins, dislodging parasites or playing with others. Play is important part of dolphin culture thus, mastering and perfecting the art of leaping made them feel great and powerful.
How dolphins leap at great heights is really amazing. Researchers claimed that dolphins use their powerful tail flukes in an up and down motion to move through the water and leap into the air. By continuously performing the action, they learn and they perfected it. But, how strong its tail flukes to throw its body of almost 300 kg of weight into the air? This question needs more research to uncover the impossibility behind it.
If we continuously find ways, innovate and do the things we think impossible to achieve as what dolphins did, I am sure we will succeed.