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Even Dolphins Can Fly

Even Dolphins Can Fly

Scientists are not certain about the purpose why dolphins leap above water and perform acrobatic figures. They speculated some reasons to include: locating schools of fish by looking at above-water, communicating with other dolphins, dislodging parasites or playing with others. Play is important part of dolphin culture thus, mastering and perfecting the art of leaping made them feel great and powerful.

How dolphins leap at great heights is really amazing. Researchers claimed that dolphins use their powerful tail flukes in an up and down motion to move through the water and leap into the air. By continuously performing the action, they learn and they perfected it. But, how strong its tail flukes to throw its body of almost 300 kg of weight into the air? This question needs more research to uncover the impossibility behind it.

If we continuously find ways, innovate and do the things we think impossible to achieve as what dolphins did, I am sure we will succeed.

Good News for Teachers! Class Database System is here.

Good News for Teachers! Class Database System is here.

Looking for an easier take at Grade Computations? Burdened by numerous reports and the routine digging through tons of paper – based data? This is the ultimate solution to all that! The most comprehensive and yet most user-friendly program for a teacher like you! It gets your data organized with just a few clicks. It’s hassle-free data management like no other.

General Features

Easy to use Windows interface – Class Database System has been designed so that even users with very little computer experience can be at ease with the program in minimal time. The use of Windows rather than a DOS system adds aesthetic appeal and provides an environment most people are already comfortable working within.

Copy and Paste Existing Data – Class Database System has a capability to let the user copy existing data from other applications and paste it directly into system forms.

Password protection – User may activate the password protection feature within the program so that no one can access to the records thus keeping the system away from any malicious modification of records in the system.

Personalized main screen – Select images/logo stored on your computer to use as the attached image in the main form of the program.

Powerful automation – Grades computations are executed by the system taking out the hassle on the user in using calculators to compute student grades.

DepEd Compliant – Considering that the system is designed using the Department Orders and Memoranda of the Department of Education as its main basis in grades computations as well as all the system process, Class Database System is 100% compliant with Department of Education.


Student management – Class Database System features comprehensive students information storage. As well as all the standard information, guardian/parents tab is available allowing the collection of information for parents and guardian for emergency use.

Student photos – Using a webcam or a scanner customer photos can be uploaded and attached to student record. It is displayed each time the student details screen is viewed.

Student grades management – A record is maintained for each student, tracking and viewing the grades of student in four grading periods including the final grade. Enrolled subjects of the student can be also viewed.

Other features

Hardware and software support – Class Database System is compatible with wide range of hardware. It runs on Windows XP and later version of Windows Operating System. Though it is developed using the Access 2010 platform, it will still run even the user computer has no Access 2010 installation.

Database backup – Don’t take risks with the data contain in the system – it’s invaluable! Class Database System has functionality to quickly and easily save a full backup copy of your database to your hard drive.