+63 32-4622197 support@mindweb.com.ph
Process in requesting MCDS

Process in requesting MCDS

Finally, the My Class Database System is now available for download. Interested teachers who want to use the software for FREE within 3 months can request for a copy by clicking the Contact Us button above.


Mindweb goes to Bicol

Mindweb goes to Bicol

Mindweb eSolutions will be in Bicol Regional Science High School, one of the best secondary schools in the country, to deploy the first class database system software on August 8, 2012. The software is designed exclusively for the elementary and high school teachers in both public and private schools in the Philippines. We offer our software for the teachers of the said school to give them better experience in computing grades and managing the information system of their classes. Victor Litang represents the company for the said event. Have a safe trip Vico and take pictures of the beautiful scenery of Bicol as many as you can.

Deployment Event at BRSHS

Deployment Event at BRSHS

Selected pictures during the presentation of My Class Database System to the teachers of Bicol Regional Science High School. We would like to extend our thanks to the principal and faculty for the success of the event as well as for their warm hospitality. Kodus to Vico Litang for representing the company and for leading this event.