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Technological change is rapidly changing people’s present and future perspectives. It is an inevitable alteration that will greatly affect all economic sectors such as education. It is with the help of the COVID-19 pandemic that industries were forcefully ordered to adapt to the current situation. As for the education sector, the University of the Visayas in particular, they were quick to adapt and provide a virtual learning environment for their students with the help of Mindweb eSolutions in the form of Teach Tech, Mindweb’s subsidiary.

Teach Tech provides the learning management system of the University of the Visayas with the use of the MOODLE platform. MOODLE stands for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, which was designed to provide educators, administrators, and learners with an open, robust, secure, and free platform to create and deliver personalized learning environments. MOODLE is a user-friendly learning management system that supports learning and training needs for a wide range of institutions and organizations across the globe. It helps to organize eLearning contents in one location and provides unlimited access to it. This provides convenience for both the instructors and the students. While MOODLE LMS helps in reducing the risk of losing important eLearning data, it is also vital to the user’s productivity and skills development since they have unlimited access on-the-go, anytime, anywhere, using mobile devices. They need not have to wait for the scheduled class or training sessions to acquire new knowledge or do some work-related tasks in advance.  With MOODLE LMS, instructors can easily track learners’ progress and performance. It helps them in ensuring that students are meeting their performance milestones and assess whether or not students need supplemental resources to improve their performance or learning behaviors. MOODLE LMS also reduces learning and development costs. It helps in eliminating costs that would be incurred in a classroom set-up such as instructor’s allowance and printing of eLearning materials or modules. Since MOODLE LMS is online, instructors can easily integrate social learning experiences by creating truly collaborative group activities. Activities that the students will benefit more from doing the activity as a group than doing it alone. With all the benefits and advantages of the MOODLE Learning Management System mentioned above, it is guaranteed that it will address all the challenges encountered in a virtual learning environment and that the University of the Visayas is focused on delivering a well-rounded, relevant, and quality education even during the current situation brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.