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What is an ecommerce?

What is an ecommerce?

What is an ecommerce?

Ecommerce refers to buying and selling of goods and services via the internet including the transfer of money and data to execute these transaction. It is also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce. There are six major types of ecommerce: Business-to-Business which are conducted between companies and include conventional wholesalers and producers dealing with retailers, Business-to-Consumer which is related to the transactions and relationship between businesses and the end customers, Consumer-to-Consumer which consists of electronic transactions of products and services between two customers, Consumer-to-Business where individuals make their items or services and sell them to companies,Business-to-Administration which deals between companies and public administration, and Consumer-to-Administration which electronic transactions are carried between individuals and public administration.

What are the advantages of ecommerce?
1. Online stores are always open for business which means customers can shop to your ecommerce site anytime and anywhere.
2. Your company doesn’t need a physical store.
3. With ecommerce, your site can grow organic traffic and sales with ecommerce blogging.
4. A customer can place orders on his or her own schedule with no delays allowing you to accept a high number of orders.
5. You can easily gain access to data analysis about your customer.
6. Hiring employees is affordable. A huge advantage of ecommerce is you don’t need to hire employees at launch. You can start and run an ecommerce business all by yourself.
7. Website personalization, one of the online business advantages, can enhance the online shopping experience.
8. You can feature almost any brand or item a customer looks for.
9. Cheap deals and better prices are available online because products come to you direct from the manufacturer or seller without involving middlemen.
10. Your business is operating 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

Ecommerce is so popular nowadays. Some of the biggest ecommerce site are Lazada, eBay, Shopee, and etc. Do you want to own a store that requires minimal effort to manage? Do you want to build a store online? Call Mindweb eSolutions at +63 32 462-2197 now! We, at Mindweb eSolutions, offers ecommerce website development services at a lower price. Visit our site at http://mindweb.com.ph.

5 Benefits Of Creating A Website For Your Business

Do you have website of your business?

Learn 5 benefits of creating a website for your business.

1. Website provides proof.
According to survey, 90% of consumers say online reviews impact buying decisions Reviews and testimonials on your site is a great way to impress potential customers. Not having a website makes consumers trust you less.

2. You need to answer basic questions quickly.
Your website provides information that are significant to customers like ”Who are you?”, ”What are your products or services?”, and ”How can I contact you?”.

3. Ease Of Access
By having a website people will be able to find your company when they search for it on a search engine like google, yahoo or bing. Plus, it makes very easy for people to know your company and answer their queries.

4. It gives another marketing channel.
Having a website means having an automatic online presence. Your website is the “Hub” of your online presence.

5. Ecommerce spending is increasing every year.
E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet.

Today’s world wide web is no longer just limited to finding information, sending mails or connecting with people but it is expanding their reach by offering services and products at customer’s doorsteps. In such a scenario where more and more buyers prefer making most of their purchases online, an ecommerce website of your business is the need of the hour.

Eighty five percent of consumers uses internet to find businesses. That great amount of percentage helps a lot of possible customers choose your business or avail your service.

Mindweb eSolutions provides website development services at a low price. We might be the company you are looking for, give us a call now at (032) 462 – 2197.